I've got an Iphone 6s in this pretty silver color that matches like every single item I have.

My lockscreen wallpaper is usually one of those cute white aesthetic pictures. Note: It also has to match my outfit bc I'm basic af.

Here I just have some typical apps as you can see. It's not that interesting so I'm just gonna skip that.

I don't have that many apps to be honest. I obviously have Instagram cause I need to keep up with this whole "teenager" trend.
I only have Facebook to use Messenger bc that's like the best free app to text. Then there's Spotify cause your girl has to listen to music 24/7.
To be honest I don't even understand how some people can say that they prefer Youtube to listen to music.

Next we have Twitter. I only use it to stalk celebs and read sassy people's tweets about how they're depressed because their favourite show ended 2 years ago. Get over it..

Okay don't even try to tell me that VSCO isn't the best editing app ever. I'm serious. You can do so many good things to your pics there. My favourite filter is definetly A5. I usually set it only on like 8 percent cause I don't like the whole blue effect.

I don't post anything on Tumblr but I use it to get daily inspiring pictures like that. I love the black, white, grey and gold aesthetic that kind of reminds me of Paris so I use this app to get some inspiration about room decorating and clothes. Idk how people can live without Tumblr ugh..

I also have Facetune on my phone but I don't really use it to make my face look better. I use whitening to make my walls and furniture brighter and whiter if you can't already tell.

Last but not least there's Planoly. This app is basically for you to see how your Instagram layout will look like if you add some new pictures. It helps me to see if everything will match my other pics.
